
Ariel The Little Mermaid Custom Doll

one of my favorite Disney Princess character is Ariel the Little Mermaid, and I've customized her by using the Keychain doll... here's the steps from the making of this cute doll :

I used clay for her mermaid tail and colored it with acrylic color.

I repaint the face using color pencil and acrylic color.. and re-root her hair for almost 5 hours 

after that.. I put some glitter on her tail and shell bra... here's the result : 

I display it with rounded glass aquarium.. what do you think?


  1. seneng ngeliat ariel, klu versi nyata gak bisa - versi custom dollnya sungguh mengesankan, hanmade pula . wuidih thnk's banget mr. untuk ide, kreasi dan kreativitasnya

  2. Owww diy yg baguss... ckep arielnyaaa

  3. Woww...sungguh kreatif.. keren..
    Pas sekilas liat awalnya saya kira itu princess merida yg di film brave.. rambutnya mirip pas lihat full ternyata ariel..
    Nice doll and great job.. two thumbs up

  4. Duduk manis dengan tatapan sendu ke atas...
    Up where they walk, up where they run
    Up where they stay all day in the sun
    wish I could be part of that world
    Nicely put !


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